Thursday 1 August 2013

Soon,flexible batteries for your gadgets

Soon, flexible batteries for your gadgets 
Researchers are working on flexible batteries.
TV screen that hangs on the wall like a poster or smartphone that can fold up and fit into a pocket are closer to reality because of advances towards development of flexible batteries that could power a new genre of electronics devices.

Those polymer, or plastic, batteries are the topic of the cover story in the current edition of Chemical and Engineering News (C and EN), the weekly news magazine of the American Chemical Society, and the world's largest scientific society.

Mitch Jacoby, C and EN senior correspondent, focuses on the latest research that involves organic polymers, which exhibit key properties that are needed for the next generation of batteries.

Those batteries will not just be flexible, but powerful, lightweight and made from inherently safe materials and their uses will extend beyond consumer electronics to include electric vehicles and other transportation applications.

The article published in the Newsmagazine explains that lithium-ion technology likely will continue to be the mainstay, but flammable, liquid electrolytes need a safety upgrade.

Scientists are searching for nonflammable, solid electrolytes to restore lithium batteries' reputation after the recent Boeing 787 Dreamliner safety incidents and other fire-related concerns.

The article indicates they are confident that the obstacles to making flex batteries a reality can be overcome. 
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