Tuesday 6 August 2013

4 faces behind Microsoft re-structuring

SAN FRANCISCO: Microsoft has announced its most sweeping re-structuring since 2008, in a bid to better align operations with CEO Steve Ballmer's goal of becoming a "devices and services" company.

The new management structure will create four main product groups, instead of the five business units that have comprised Microsoft in recent years. The changes will also shuffle the company's leadership ranks, providing new roles and responsibilities for many of the top brass.

Here's a rundown of Microsoft's new main business units and the executives running them:

Satya Nadella
Satya Nadella
Satya Nadella will run the Cloud and Enterprise Engineering Group. The company's leading authority on internet infrastructure and the former chief of Server and Tools unit takes over all web-based cloud services such as Azure, which competes with Amazon's AWS.

A tech heavy-hitter originally from India, he joined Microsoft in 1992. Previously, he worked for Sun Microsystems.

Julie Larson-Green
Julie Larson-Green
The former Windows co-chief Julie Larson-Green will now head Devices and Studio Engineering, incorporating all hardware development as well as games, music, video and other entertainment.

Previously, she ran the technical side of the Windows unit, which includes the Surface tablet. She joined Microsoft in 1993.

Terry Myerson
  Terry Myerson
As leader of the Operating Systems Engineering Group, Terry Myerson sits atop all development of hardware and related software of the flagship operating software for a plethora of devices, from Surface to Xbox.

Myerson previously oversaw the Windows Phone unit, responsible for the company's revamped efforts to take on Apple and Google in the booming smartphone market -- with little success. He joined Microsoft in 1997.

Qi Lu
Qi Lu

Qi Lu will run Applications and Services Engineering. Formerly the overseer of perennially money-losing online services like Bing and the MSN web portal, he now takes Office software, one of Microsoft's biggest cash cows.

Lu came to Microsoft after working for Yahoo for 10 years, leading its internet search and advertising technology efforts. He holds 20 US patents.

Hope the post is useful...Give your comments....  


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